Before getting into machine learning, I did research on probability theory and statistical physics. Below are some of my publications.


Critical two-point function for long-range \(O(n)\) models below the upper critical dimension
Co-authors: M. Lohmann, G. Slade
| arXiv | JSP |

Four-dimensional weakly self-avoiding walk with contact self-attraction
Co-authors: R. Bauerschmidt, G. Slade
| arXiv | JSP |

Finite-order correlation length for 4-dimensional weakly self-avoiding walk and \(\mid\varphi\mid^4\) spins
Co-authors: R. Bauerschmidt, G. Slade, A. Tomberg
| arXiv | AHP |


Renormalization group analysis of self-interacting walks and spin systems
UBC cIRcle

On the Critical Points of Gaussian Mixtures